Political quality
EUROLAIT wants to remain the leader in the dairy products sector in Côte d'Ivoire and the West African Sub-Region.
Aware of the challenges linked to the requirements of our profession, we are part of a continuous improvement approach which is based on the involvement of all staff and the application of management principles based on the international management benchmark ISO 9001 version 2015.
The stability and dynamic growth of our business will depend on our ability to be present in growth markets and to meet our commitments, the main objectives of which revolve around the following driving forces :

These axes are broken down into measurable operational objectives, accompanied by indicators which will themselves feed the individual objectives of the personnel. Our quality objectives will be reviewed during process reviews or management reviews.
We are fully committed to providing all the resources necessary to achieve these objectives and to continuously improve our quality management system.
We invite all staff to take ownership of the principles and guidelines that will ensure the success of this quality approach.
HURTADO Emmanuel
President and CEO
Quality is built every day ... !!!